100+ social media acronyms you should definitely know

We know the struggle. It’s called Digital Talk. It’s like learning a new language, right?

So, we gathered more than 100 social media acronyms to help you sound more “digital” than ever!
Start now!

1. IG

Means… Instagram

2. FB

Means… Facebook

3. TW

Means… Twitter

4. YT

Means… YouTube

5. DM

Means… Direct Message

6. PM

Means… Private Message

7. RT

Means… Retweet

8. In

Means… LinkedIn


Means… As far as I know

10. AKA

Means… Also known as
This is quite popular. You can say it by pronouncing each letter at the time.

11. AMA

Means… Ask Me Anything. Obviously.

12. ASAP

Means… As Soon As Possible

13. BRB

Means… Be Right Back

14. BTS

Means… Behind The Scenes

15. BTW

Means… By The Way

16. CMV

Means… Change My view

17. DYK

Means… Did You Know

18. ELI5

Means… Explain (it to me) Like I’m 5

19. FBF

Means… Flash Back Friday

20. FOMO

Means… Fear Of Missing Out

21. FTW

Means… For the win

22. FWIW

Means… For what it’s worth

23. FYI

Means… For your information

24. H/T

Means… Hat tip


Means… In case you missed it


Means… In my opinion / In my humble opinion

27. IRL

Means… In real life

28. JSYK

Means… Just so you know

29. LMK

Means… Let me know

30. MFW

Means… My face when

31. NBD

Means… No big deal

32. NP

Means… No problem

33. NSFW

Means… Not safe for work

34. NYT

Means… Name your trade

35. OC

Means.. Original content

36. WFH

Means… Working from home

37. SMH

Means… Shaking my head

38. TBH

Means… To be honest

39. TBT

Means… Throwback Thursday

40. TFTF

Means… Thanks for the follow

41. TFW

Means… That feeling when

42. TGIF

Means… Thank God it’s Friday

43. TL;DR

Means… Too long; Didn’t read

44. WBW

Means… Wayback Wednesday

45. WCW

Means… Woman crush Wednesday

46. B2B

Means… Business to business

47. B2C

Means… Business to consumer

48. CMGR

Means… Community manager

49. CTA

Means… Call to action

50. EOD

Means… End of day

51. EOW

Means… End of week

52. EM

Means… Email me

53. ETA

Means… Estimated Time Of Arrival

54. F2F

Means… Face to face

55. IAM

Means… In a meeting

56. ISO

Means… In search of

57. IT

Means… Information technology

58. KPI

Means… Key performance indicator

59. MoM

Means.. Month over month

60. OOO

Means… Out of office

61. P/E

Means.. Price to earnings

62. ROI

Means… Return on investment

63. SEM

Means… Search engine marketing

64. SEO

Means… Search engine optimization

65. SERP

Means… Search engine results page

66. SMART (goals)

Means… specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, timely

67. SMB

Means… Small and midsize businesses

68. SMM

Means… Social media marketing

69. SMO

Means… Social media optimization

70. SoLoMo

Means… Social, local, mobile

71. SRP

Means… Social relationship platform

72. TBD

Means… To Be decided/determined

73. TOS

Means… Terms of service

74. UGC

Means… User-generated content

75. WOM

Means… Word of mouth

76. API

Means… Application programming interface

77. CMS

Means… Content management system

78. CPC

Means… Cost per click

79. CR

Means… Conversion rate

80. CRO

Means… Conversion rate optimisation

81. CTR

Means… Click-through rate

82. CX

Means… Customer experience

83. ESP

Means… Email service provider

84. FTP

Means… File transport protocol

85. GA

Means… Google Analytics

86. IM

Means… Instant messaging

87. OS

Means… Operating system

88. PV

Means… Page views

89. RSS

Means… Rich site summary

90. Saas

Means… Software as a Service

91. SOV

Means… Share of voice

92. UI

Means… User interface

93. URL

Means… Uniform resource locator

94. UV

Means.. Unique views

95. UX

Means… User experience

96. VPN

Means… Virtual private network

97. 411

Means… Information

98. AF

Means… As f–––

99. AFK

Means… Away from keyboard

100. BAE:

Means… Before anyone else

101. BC

Means… Because

102. BFF

Means… Best friends forever

103. FFS

Means… For f–––‘s sake

104. FML

Means… F––– my life

105. GOAT

Means… Greatest of all time

106. HMU

Means… Hit me up

107. IDK

Means… I don’t know

108. IDGI

Means… I don’t get it

109. ILY

Means… I love you <3

110. JK

Means… Just kidding

111. JTM

Means… Just the messenger

112. KK

Means… Okay (in a more “cool” way)

113. LOL

Means… Laughing out loud

114. LOML

Means… Love of my life

115. LMAO

Means… Laughing my a–– off

116. MRW

Means… My reaction when..

117. NVM

Means… Nevermind

118. Obvs

Means… Obviously

119. OH

Means… Overheard

120. OMG

Means… Oh my God

121. OMW

Means… On my way

122. Pls

Means… Please

123. POV

Means… Point of view

124. PSA

Means… Public service announcement

125. RN

Means… Right now

126. ROFL

Means… Rolling on the floor laughing

127. SRSLY

Means… Seriously

128. TMI

Means… Too much information

129. TTKU

Means… Try to keep up

130. TY

Means… Thank you

131. WBU

Means… What about you

132. WDYM

Means… What do you mean

133. WTF

Means… What the f–––

134. YOLO

Means… You only live once

135. YW

Means… You’re welcome